· Log of hours on a calendar: february-april (independent component calendar)
· Evidence of the 30 hours of work: mini book summary/opinions and for the hours of extra volunteer work, its on the calendar as well.
(a) “I, Rizza Marie Pica, affirm that I completed my independent component
which represents 30 hours of work.”
(b) I get to read (a whole book) and volunteered for 27hrs.
- Since I'm not sure if I can manage reading more books, I decided to stick into one book. Becasue I don't want to rush reading books and then after a few days I will forget the whole context of it. I ended up volunteering more on the saturdays (about 6 hrs each saturday). And While I read the book called " Home Care Nursing Practice: Concepts and Appplications" by Robyn Rice, I briefly summarized what I read on google docs. Its almost like a mini journal entries except its about the context of the book and my opinions. It would total more than 30 hrs.
-I get to learn more about taking care of elderly patients when I read the book. I also get to apply it while I volunteer as well which lead me to the skills I need for my E.Q. For example, I said communication in my first answer. As I volunteered longer and reading the chapters, I realized that to be able to clearly explain, listen, and socially adapt to be able to become a successful elderly activity coordinator. It may sound general but based from my 27hrs of extra -volunteer hrs, I find it true because its like what we do 90% of the time.